Thursday, July 17, 2008

Waste Not, Want Not - let the cooking begin!

This weekend I have a goal… It’s simple really. To cook three meals using what we have in the house. I’ve dedicated myself to NOT wasting food or money on needless meals out or spoiled food. We've gotten into a really bad rut with throwing away perfectly good food, if I had taken the time to cook it!

On the menu for the weekend cooking extravaganza…

Pork noodle bake – using up left over pork chops I cooked last night
Stuffed zucchini – using the gynormous zucchini Frank brought home and sausage his parents gave us
Sausage, Spinach bake – again with the sausage
Grandma's bread and butter pickles - cucumbers from our garden

During the week I’ll take a stab at an all time favorite low cost meal, the tuna noodle casserole. You know the one with potato chips on top! Hey, bake me up some of that hot cheesy, salty, crunchy, starchy goodness anytime!

I have a feeling I’ll be doing a lot of “bakes” cause casseroles seem to be cheaper than most meals. But hey, it’s a start and I’m sure I’ll get super creative by the end of the summer!

PS - still waiting

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