Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Second Inning

Still Waiting…

Ok, so we’re in our second inning hoping we hit a home run! I’m still waiting for my period, it was due today, I think. Silly me, I’ve been tracking my cycle for months now and the one time when I actually need to know if I’m late, I don’t jot down when it started. I think I was upset that we didn’t get pregnant last month that I just didn’t want to deal with it.

Well, I’m not sure if I’m late, but I’m getting close to being late. I feel pretty normal. Accept the irrational outburst I had at Frank last night. It was totally uncalled for and kind of felt a little guilty as the words came out of my mouth. I’ve been crampy and a little nauseous, but really, I’m sure it’s all in my head. That was a lesson we learned last month. BUT, I didn’t get my week long of head aches before my period like I usually do. So that’s different.

I’ve been cooking up a storm and my neighbor, and good friend, Lee Ann thinks I’m nesting. I just think I’m sick of eating out or frozen dinners and our budget is stretched to the limit. I actually looked up “recipes on a budget” to find the most economical meal to make at home. I made chili and chicken enchiladas. This weekend I’ll make tuna noodle casserole. You know, the kind with the potato chips on top! Can’t wait!

Frank’s parents were nice enough to bring us groceries from Costco. They shared Italian sausage, pork chops, chicken and veggies. It’s like they some how knew our budget has been tight. We’re so lucky to have them! They came over with groceries, I fed them chicken enchiladas and we watched Frank on an advanced copy of his new TV show!

Oh my, I have neglected to share that my darling husband will be featured in a new reality TV show on A&E called Jacked! How cool is that! He’s been riding along with the Auto Theft Task Force (ATTF) in Newark and he was there when they taped the show this spring. The show starts in late August, so keep an eye out on A&E for my favorite sergeant.

Okay, so still waiting. Something we all know I am not very good at. I will try, very hard, not to take multiple preggo tests. Maybe that’s something his parents can pick up at Costco, a 12-pack of over the counter tests!

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