Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Meeting The Big Guy

We took Dominick to get his 9 month pictures, which happen to coincide with Christmas. We lucked out on that one! We weren’t too happy with the service from JC Penny’s, so we headed off to the Picture People. The customer service was much better, people being very patient and working much harder to get that perfect smile. But, I was a little disappointed in the props. Again, I didn’t voice my opinions, I just went with the flow. Imagine that! I think I’ll be more vocal, especially for his first birthday pics. Not sure where we’re going. We may end up hiring a private photographer. We’ll see. Here’s a sampling of the pics. My fave is the caboose.

Along with his nine month pics we also went to see Santa for the first time. I knew Dominick would do great. He’s never once cried when I put him in someone’s arms – even a stranger.

He did take a few long looks up at the bearded man, but in general was happy to smile at us as we made fools of our selves in the mall. Doesn’t this Santa look real? He’s been at Menlo Park Mall for years… maybe he is real? He hasn’t aged at all!

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