Friday, October 9, 2009

Feeling Festive

We’re gearing up for fall and the holiday season. I’m actually excited this year. I have way more energy then last year when I was 7 months pregnant! I’ve made it my personal goal to be FINISHED with all my holiday shopping by December 1. Hold me to it!

I can’t wait to tackle my HUGE shopping list. I have a very large extended family and often end up buy holiday gifts for about 30 people. Yeah… 30! That doesn’t count the little gifts for work buddies - just family! With the four new additions – we have a great excuse to buy even more!

I’m very organized about the entire process. We have a holiday savings account that gets automatically added to with every paycheck and I have an excel spread sheet with a budget and gift ideas for everyone. I do a lot of online shopping – why not! You can browse, read reviews and the nice UPS man delivers it strait to your door. You don’t have to fight anyone at the sale table for that last holiday snowman sweater.

Online shopping tip - use the website It's basically a "broker" for hundreds of stores. Go to ebates, then shop at one of the stores listed on their site - you receive a percentage BACK! No kidding! They send you a big fat check quarterly. Some stores you earn 3% some it's as much as 10%. They also list lots of coupon codes for free shipping or extra savings. I've been doing this for about four years and received over $300 from ebates! If you do go, please be sure to say that I (Rebecca Mazzarella) recommended you. I think I'll get some sort of referral bonus.

I have yet to put out my Halloween decorations but that’s top on my to-do list this weekend. Dominick’s and Ozzie’s costumes came and they are absolutely adorable!

Remember December 1!

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