I broke down and started reading a few books off my reading list - see list below for links. Books most pregnant women would read, but because I'm the type to ALWAYS put the cart before the horse, I dove right in. And I’m really glad I did. Makes me feel more prepared and ready for what my body… and a baby… is going to throw at me once that line turns pink.
Frank didn't completely freak out about the books... well... I didn't tell him I bought the books. I just left them out for him to find. While sitting at home on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I read aloud a few of the top "Fears Men Have About Pregnancy/Parenting" and he seemed to enjoy them. I think he's on board the daddy-to-be bandwagon. Glad we're both on the same page now!
Getting him to read the "Pregnancy Sucks for Men Too" book is another story. I know! I'll take all reading material out of the bathroom but the book! He'll be a captive audience, for at least twenty minutes.
I just finished “Belly Laughs” by Jenny McCarthy – who is hilarious! She definitely tells it like it is and I really liked her sense of humor. It was a short read, and not really full of facts and must-do lists, but I wasn’t expecting clinical information. This really was just a pleasure read.
I’m just finishing “The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy.” It steps more into the need to know information format, things your doctor won’t tell you and what the author’s “Girlfriends” would advise. It helps define the line between being extremely cautious to what a normal pregnant would do. It also was helpful in examining relationships between your physician, family and husband. Even more helpful was her in depth discussion on all that pregnant women go through, emotionally and physically.
Next up - "What to Expect When You're Expecting."
I did the same thing!
I read both "Girlfriends" and "Belly Laughs" before I was pregnant.
I have to tell you, though, in my experience, "What to Expect" was just too terrifying. I read the first couple of chapters and then changed to "Your Pregnancy Week by Week."
I also got TONS of great information from babycenter.com. You can sign up once you get pregnant for weekly emails about the growth of your baby. AND they have lots of TTC information.
Happy Reading!
Thanks Erin - you are actually the second person to say give "What to Expect" a thumbs down. My one friend said it was just to terrifying! I'll definitely take a look at "Pregnancy Week by Week." Hang in there - not much longer for you!
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